I love using essential oils in my massage oil blends because they smell so good and I actually feel better using them. That’s why I use essential oils, continue to study them, joined NAHA and made my own product, Ritual 1. I think there is a huge difference in quality, so put your nose buds on when choosing your oils. Do comparison smelling, put them up against each other. I think places like The Body Shop do themselves and therapeutic grade high quality essential oils a disservice when they burn low quality oils outside their stores to attract customers. They are using it like potpourri, it’s unsubtle, stinky sweet, can’t get away from it oils that would give anyone a headache and I love smells! Anyway, there are many ways to use essential oils, I came across many people writing about them in their blogs etc. Here is some info regarding aromatherapy, chemo and cancer…
“…oils such as lavender, lemon, orange and peppermint work to relax, energize and reduce nausea and pain.”
“I’ve seen the effects of aromatherapy in so many different situations that I can’t imagine not using it,” said Kline. She helps patients pick essential oils during individual aromatherapy consultations and uses the oils during massage, reflexology and therapeutic touch sessions. About half of Kline’s patients are women with cancer. She says that aromatherapy can mask some of the unpleasant smells associated with chemotherapy and can help cancer patients handle side effects like nausea without taking another drug.”
“These oils are easy to use, they’re natural and they’re not something a person has to take internally,” she said. The Cleveland Clinic began offering aromatherapy to inpatients in 2007, said Michelle Cameron Bozeman, assistant director of Healing Solutions in the Office of Patient Experience. Patients can choose mint, lavender and citrus oils to scent their rooms or use in a massage, and report feeling more awake, relaxed and refreshed by the scents, she said.
Plant oils have been used for their healing properties for centuries and are a central part of traditional medicine systems in China and India.”
Read more at: http://www.cleveland.com/healthfit/index.ssf/2010/03/aromatherapys_claims_bold_supp.html