Sherrin Bernstein, BA, LMT, CA
Sherrin Bernstein, BA, LMT, CA was originally licensed in Massage Therapy in New York in 1999 when she graduated the Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy. She later became licensed in Florida in 2006 after falling in love with Miami Beach and attending The Educating Hands School of Massage. She is CPR Certified, a member of NAHA (The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) and past member of NYSSMMT (The New York State Society of Medical Massage Therapists) where she served as Board Member, Membership Secretary and Editor and has worked at top spas, hotels and physical therapy offices in New York and Miami, including Exhale Spa and The Agua Spa, Splash Spa, and in the Physical Therapy offices of Kevin Towers, DPT, OCS.
Sherrin started blending her own massage oils for fragrant and therapeutic value since taking her very first class in essential oils. Since then she has taken many classes in aromatherapy, culminating with her studying with the highly respected Robert Tisserand, Industry Expert, Author and Educator and received her CA (Certified Aromatherapist) from the Aromahead Institute in 2014.
A health, wellness and fitness professional since 1987, her journey began as a Dance Major at Tisch School of the Arts, New York University and continued through her transfer to Gallatin School of Individualized Study, NYU. She was graduated in 1990 with a B.A. in Dance and an Area of Interest (Minor) in The Comparison of Traditional and Non-Traditional Injury Rehabilitation. While at NYU, she began to gain her vision of how the body could feel and function and was trained in the use of Visualization by all the dance teachers, in the Imagery & Tactile Aid of Mabel Todd and Lulu Sweigard, by the well-loved radio personality and dancer Andre Bernard, Movement Education techniques such as Feldenkrais Technique and The Alexander Technique, taught by Clarice Marshall, and original Ball Therapy techniques with Robin Powell, PhD. Her interest in holistic therapies began while at NYU and natural safe products while she was growing up due to allergies. She is the co-founder of Attract Essentials, Everything You Need to Attract Everything You Want® and the hand-crafted formulation Ritual 1, Intention-Based Aromatherapy® is her brainchild and launch product with business partner, Rodd Marcus.
Sherrin continues to add to her knowledge base and explore opportunities in Massage Therapy and Aromatherapy. In her spare time she sings and writes songs, takes guitar lessons and gardens. She relocated her Midtown East, NYC private practice to Miami Beach in 2018.
NY Massage Lic # 012270-1
FL Massage Lic # MA 47391
For more information please email Sherrin Bernstein at: Sherrin@TouchFitness.com, you can copy-paste ‘MASSAGE APPOINTMENT INQUIRY’ or other appropriate subject header in ALL CAPS in to the Subject field for an appointment! Thank you in advance!
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Sherrin Bernstein
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