by Sherrin Bernstein | Sep 21, 2008 | Fitness, How to..., Massage Therapy, Office Health, Wellness
Thank you Angela, for your wonderful idea to write about how to physically deal with the ever changing technology. There’s a lot of humor in it actually, the cell phones getting so small that only people 3′ and under can actually even hold them between...
by Sherrin Bernstein | Sep 21, 2008 | Affordable Personal Time, How to..., Mood shifter, Office Health, Wellness
I use many images personally which I share and adapt to my clients’ needs. Images help you soften the body, be able to feel things and encourage change inside. One of my favorite image is to imagine you are a stick of melting butter. Do you want to try it? Ok,...
by Sherrin Bernstein | Sep 14, 2008 | Fitness, How to..., Office Health, Wellness
By Sherrin Bernstein There is something behind every statement you make inside your head that stops you from doing what you want or need to do to get in shape. A prime example: “I’m too fat to go to the gym; I have to lose weight first.” I hear this...
by Sherrin Bernstein | Sep 14, 2008 | Affordable Personal Time, How to..., Wellness
Sherrin’s Do-It Yourself Herbal or Spice Salt Baths Making your own herbal or spice salt bath can be easy, creative and inexpensive; in fact you probably have items you can use that already in your kitchen. Sherrin’s recipe: Ingredients • 1 cup Pink...